Schedule with Michele Anthony:
636 288 1997
regular email:
michele @
This link opens your default web email.
If you click this link and a blank tab opens, click the link again.
(Note that the actual address has the spaces omitted.)
secure email:
michele @
This link opens MailHIPPO SendSafe.
When this regular address is used inside this app,
this app keeps your mail secure.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
call 988 | text 988 |
Counseling in my home:
28 Ellington Oaks Ct.
St. Peters, MO 63376 US
I-70 Cave Springs exit, behind St. Charles YMCA
To ensure that clients have privacy when they arrive and depart,
my scheduling leaves 1/2-hour gaps between sessions.
This 1/2-hour gap makes it very unlikely that you will see another client
either when you arrive or when you leave.
Start a scheduled telemedicine video call: